Saturday, August 31, 2013

To Workout or Not to Workout? That is the Question

I have to admit, I really, REALLY did not want to do Level 1 Day 2 of Ripped In 30. After all, I did 25 sit-ups as soon as I got out of bed. Around 2pm I walked 3.40 miles. Then after dinner I took Travis out in his wheelchair and did another 1.31 miles. So at 9pm when I finally got my little man in bed, all I wanted to do was take a hot shower and enjoy some quiet time on my sofa.

But I knew that if I skipped a workout this early in the process, I would probably continue to skip workouts. Then, I thought about that bowl of vegetarian spaghetti I had for dinner and decided to push myself. Besides, the workout is only 24 minutes. I figured I could do the workout, take a shower and still have time to chill before going to bed. So that's exactly what I did. And boy oh boy, what a difference a day makes. I'm really starting to feel it.

I'm using 5 lb weights until it becomes unbearable then I switch to 3 lbs. Between the push-ups, planks, and strength training on this level, my arms and shoulders are quite soar. My lower body didn't get a break either. The squats and lunges combined with all the walking I did earlier have my legs tingling. But I understand that this is all part of the process. The fact that I am sore is a sign that my body is doing what I want it to do. Right? *crosses fingers for good luck*

I may take a rest day tomorrow and pick back up on Sunday. I am not limiting myself to a Sunday - Saturday timeframe. Whenever I have completed 5 or 6 workouts on one level, I will move on to the next. I'm just going to listen to my body and do what feels right...without becoming too much of a slacker.

As far as my food intake, it was much better today. I still find myself grazing and snacking all day, but for the most part, it was healthy.

I started my morning with a simple protein shake made with Whey protein powder that I picked up from Wal-Mart and Trader Joe's organic soy milk. 240 calories and 32 grams of protein in total.

Throughout the remainder of the day I had a nectarine, a banana, a Nature Valley Protein Bar (190 calories), 1 cup of Glory string beans with potatoes (60 calories), a bowl of home made vegetarian spaghetti (God only knows how many calories it was), and 1 pineapple spear. Here's where it becomes less the middle of the night when Travis woke up and wouldn't go back to sleep, I raided the fridge and ate the last two slices of lemon pound cake (130 calories each, yikes!). Late night eating when my son can't sleep is another bad habit I am trying to break...

But all in all, I'm pretty happy with how my day went.

I still have some adjustments to make both to my diet and exercise routines. But my plan is make small improvements every single day.

Pray for me as I am sending prayers out to you!



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