Friday, February 28, 2014

I Think That Maybe I Could Possibly Have Commitment Issues


I have a confession to make. I hardly ever finish anything that I start. I'll have a brilliant idea, get all excited about it, then a few days later my brilliant idea can be found crumpled up and lifeless in the bottom of File 13.
And when it comes to relationships, romantic or platonic, as soon as any real work is required to sustain it...I'm done. I can't...well don't exert a lot of energy trying to keep friendships and relationships alive. How else could you explain a smart, articulate, gainfully employed, stunningly beautiful and extremely modest woman such as myself going 43 years without ever once jumping the broom? I have three very nice engagement rings though...but I digress.
Last week one of my good friends invited me to go to a dance...a much needed night on the town. Initially I said yes but then emailed him the next day and basically told him that I'd rather be in bed sleeping than to stay out past 9pm. I couldn't even commit to one night out. The fact that he wasn't offended speaks volumes about our friendship.
And regarding diet and exercise? When the weight is coming off and I am "in the zone" I'm good. I'm all in. But let me hit a plateau or let things become hard and I throw in the towel...every time.
Do you see a pattern here?
Although I've been trying to convince myself otherwise, I have mentally checked out of this whole weight loss thing because it's becoming increasingly harder. Why couldn't I have started this blog when I was 240 pounds? I could have WOWed everyone with my incredible shrinking waistline. I would have had amazing milestones and impressive before/after photos to post back when I had more weight to lose...back when losing weight was easier.
At some point however, I have to stop giving up when things get tough. I have to be a ride or die type chick! Reaching my weight loss goal is something I want more than anything in the world. And no, it's not going to be easy. I'm going to have to fight for it. I don't have the foggiest idea how I'm gonna do it, but I'M GONNA DO IT.  For once in my life, I have to see something through to its fruition.  I have to stay committed.

Today, I am taking a vow to stay committed to this process. I vow to take care of my body through diet and times of failure and in times of triumph, from this day forward, as long as God allows me to live!
My prayer for anyone struggling to stay committed to their diet and/or weight loss is that you also take a vow to be loyal to yourself. Cherish and respect your body through health and fitness. It's hard, but you're worth it. We're worth it.
Thanks for reading.
Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers.
 ~ 3 John 1:2 ~

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