Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Weigh In Wednesday 020514

Yes! The scale is finally moving back in the right direction. I've lost 1.4 pounds since last week. I've been going to the gym and I've also re-started Ripped In 30. So my hard work is paying off and for that I'm so thankful.

There is a saying that goes: If you want to know what a woman will look like in 20 years, take a look at her mother.”

As much as I love and respect my mother, I rebuke that theory. Yesterday I took my mom to the doctor for a pain in her hip. At 78 years old she weighs 253 pounds and can barely get around. After the appointment, I had to take her for an X-ray and it took me and two of the technicians to help her off of the table. Some of that was due to the pain that she’s having, but a lot of it was due to her weight and how much she’s let herself go. I mean, she was a school bus driver, not very active, and was raising 3 kids by herself. And back then, there wasn't access to as much information about fitness so I understand why she didn't make exercise and health priorities.
I don’t expect her to look like she did when she was 30 or even 40 years old. But being that I am the one who has to look after her I realize that if God decides that I will reach the age of 78, I won’t have anyone to help me get around. My only child has profound physical and mental disabilities. And marriage is a pipe dream I gave up on years ago. So I have to take care of myself now so that when the time comes, I will be able to be as independent as possible. Not working out and not eating right are just not options for me. Unless I want to end up strapped to a gurney eating pea soup at some place called Shady Pines, I have to be as healthy as I possibly can. I’ll be 43 in 12 days, I don’t have forever to get this right.

This is my new motto. It’s what I have to live by and so should you!

If are reading this and you could stand to lose a few pounds or eat just a little bit healthier, know that it’s never too late. You are not too lost or too far gone. At any moment you can do one thing to help you become the person you want to be. No matter how much weight you have to lose, it all starts with small daily actions.

All the best to everyone who may be reading this today!

Thanks for reading.
Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers.
 ~ 3 John 1:2 ~

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