Saturday, September 21, 2013

Finally, Week 3 of Ripped In 30

After a few days off from working out, I finally completed Week 3 Day 1 of Ripped In 30...oh the horror!

I have to admit, I really struggled with Level 3. I lost a lot of momentum after not working out in several days. Travis' nurse had personal issues this week and my workout routine was completely thrown off. I honestly felt as though I was back at Week 1 Day 1.

The first circuit was Quad Hell. Bear crawls, duck walks, and squats...oh my! My legs and abs are sore and I know I didn't even do most of the moves properly. Level 3 is definitely a challenge. But like the other two levels, it will get better...I hope! I didn't even do the cool down. By the end of the circuit 3 I was laying in the middle of the floor sweating profusely and bargaining with Jesus...Lord, if you just help me to get in shape, I'll never abuse food or my body again!

Somehow, I doubt He bought it!

Despite the fact that I didn't do the cool down, I still added a dollar to my workout jar. I completed the hard parts. That counts, right?



As worn out and sore as I am, I'm happy to be back on track and excited to continue with Week 3. I can't wait to see the results at the end of this difficult level.

Wish me luck, I'll need it.



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