If losing weight was easy, everyone would be thin!
Monday, September 30, 2013
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Sunday Weigh-In 9/29
I haven't had an official weigh-in in a few weeks. I knew that I had gained a few pounds but I was more than shocked when I stepped on the scale this morning. I've gained 13 pounds in 2 weeks...crazy...just crazy! I have been bouncing from the 150s to the 140s and back for months. Every time I fight to lose 5 or 10 pounds, I go right back to my body's "Happy Weight" if I go too long without working out or being strict with my diet. The 155 to 157 range is where I first plateaued and where my body seems to normalize. But this is way too high for me. My goal is still 135. I can live with 140...but anything over 145 is still in the danger zone. I have to keep pushing!
Previous Weight Current Weight
143.8 157.6
Goal Weight
Previous Bust Current Bust
36 inches 36 inches
Previous Waist Current Waist
30 inches 33 inches
Previous Hips Current Hips
40 inches 42 inches
Previous Forearm Current Forearm
12 inches 12 inches
Previous Wrist Current Wrist
6 inches 6 inches
Previous Thigh Current Thigh
22 1/2 inches 24 inches
Previous BMI Current BMI
24.68 27.05
Previous Body Fat % Current Body Fat
39.28% 42.12%
It's been a long stressful week and I am going to try to find some motivation for the week that's upcoming. It's just so frustrating because I feel as though I eat healthier than most, and I workout more than most other people I know. I mean, really, today is Sunday and at millions of tables across America there will be fried chicken and ribs, and vegetables seasoned with pork, and macaroni and cheese, and pies, and bread and butter. Tonight, folks will be watching their favorite team play football while eating themselves into a food coma off of buffalo wings, pizza and beer. How am I ever going to maintain my weight once I get to 135 if what I'm eating now causes me to gain obscene amounts of weight in a matter of days? I just don't understand it.
But I can't worry about that now I guess. It is what it is. Tonight, I am going to bed early so that I can hibernate, heal, and try to find a little hope!
If God says so, I'll be back at it tomorrow! Have a blessed evening.
Friday, September 27, 2013
As Goes My Life, So Goes My Diet
Yesterday started off pretty good. I took with me to work some fruit, a home made salad, and some plantains fried in Smart Balance and sprinkled with sea salt and garlic powder. So yummy!
I was drinking lots of water, I took walks on my 15 minute breaks, and I was preparing to go for a run before heading home when I got another call from my mother. As soon as I saw her number pop up on the caller ID, I just knew that no one had shown up to take care of Travis. But I was wrong. The agency sent someone out. It was a woman who was 5 months pregnant and couldn't do any lifting.
Once again I had to leave work, come home, and take care of Travis myself. Don't get me wrong, I love taking care of my son. But when I need the help of professionals so that I can go to work and earn a living, I expect professionalism. Instead, I'm constantly dealing with a hot mess of a home health agency that hires a bunch of worthless individuals who can't do the job for which they were hired.
Needless to say, I binged yesterday. Big time binged. There was a veggie burger and chips involved and eating it made me feel GOOD! Addiction is a mutha, but don't cry for me. I'll regroup.
Dealing with these Home Health Agencies is stressful. And if you've never had to hire a caregiver for a loved one, consider yourself blessed! Having to watch aid after aid come into my home for the sole purpose of cashing a pay check as opposed to being passionate about their profession is frustrating. It's insulting when they sit there watching TV instead of giving my son their undivided attention. I take it personally when they don't go gaga over him and aren't willing to do whatever it takes to see that his needs are met. I mean really, how could you not fall madly in love with this face?
Yesterday I was so stressed, and angry, and insulted, and frustrated. Trying to bottle all of that up only gave more power to my emotions. So, I ate. I'm human, don't judge.
I haven't had a real workout in days. I started the week off strong...like a champion. I'm ending it rather defeated. But the word of the day is REGROUP and regroup I will.
Hopefully I will get another permanent person soon and my life will normalize again. Until then, I will keep praying that my manager doesn't fire me and that I don't go too far off track with my diet and exercise! Regardless of what happens, I won't give up!
Thanks for reading all. I'd love to read any comments you may have about how you regrouped stressful situations.
Have a better than blessed day!
Thursday, September 26, 2013
These pictures were taken in 1998 when I was 27 years old. I
can’t believe how unhealthy I looked. A woman’s 20’s are supposed to be the
hottest years of her life. But I was extremely over weight and I looked so
Here’s to Throwback Thursdays and the fact that I am never
going back!
I Should Have Never Gotten Out Of Bed!
Yesterday was just one of those days. Let's take it from the top, shall we?
6:30 am
When I took Travis to his school bus, his bus
driver looked at me and said “Good morning Skinny Minnie!”…I literally had to stop myself
from screaming! "Breathe!" I told myself. I realize that she was only trying to be nice and perhaps give me a compliment...but I AM NOT SKINNY! Actually, I got on the scale yesterday and found that I have gained weight. This fluctuating body of mine...SMH. I would much rather a person tell me that I am doing a good job or ask me what my fitness regimen is...anything except make specific and nonsensical comments about my body. I've written it before and I will write it again; words like "skinny" and "wasting away to nothing" annoy me. They feel invasive and also feel like smoke being blown up my ass! I'm not skinny! I never will be and I don't want to be. Yes, I've lost weight, a lot of it. But people need to stop being ridiculous with their non-compliments! Think before you speak, geesh!
11:30 am
I tried to do a run during my lunch break...emphasis on the word "tried". Eight minutes into it I felt my armband slipping so I attempted to tighten it. Well, instead, I ripped it and my cell phone fell to the ground. Now, my armband is unusable, my cell phone is cracked, and I was absolutely disgusted!I turned around and walked back to my job, kicking rocks the entire way! Aargh!!!
3:00 pm
From 2pm to 3pm I had a meeting in another building on campus. When I returned to my desk I saw that I had 9 missed calls and a ton of voice mails...never a good sign. The very first voice mail was a frantic message from my mother...no one showed up to get Travis off the school bus. What a surprise...no nurse...AGAIN! I was livid! So I ran to my car like a wild banshee because my 78 year old mother can't do anything with my 90 pound child. Not lift him out of his wheelchair, not take off his school clothes, not change his diaper...NOTHING. Thank goodness I didn't get pulled over by the police. I was doing every bit of 65 in a 45 the entire way home. If this keeps up, I am going to have to change Home Health Agencies, not that the next will be any better. These young ladies that are hired as personal care aids clearly do not want to work. Seriously, I need to write my Congressman. Caring for the elderly and disabled is one of the most important jobs a person can have. Paying some kid with no college degree minimum wage to come into a person's home unsupervised is a recipe for disaster. Trust me, I know. The stories I could tell...
In other news...my second day without any processed food went OK for most of the day. I brought with me to work: a pear, bananas, the grapes I didn't eat the day before, black beans with corn, jalapeno and rocotillo chile peppers (talk about yummy), and a salad I picked up from Trader Joe's. I had every intention of doing the right thing.
I polished off the black beans and corn before 9am. Weird breakfast choice, huh? I couldn't help it though. It smelled so good and tasted even better. I sauteed the peppers in a little olive oil. Then I added one can of black beans and one can of corn. I sprinkled a little south western seasoning over it and also added a spoonful of Smart Balance. It was absolutely delicious.
I snacked on a few grapes and blueberries then had the salad before going out for my ill fated run.
All bets were off however once the craziness started to ensue. After I got home, I got Travis settled then called the agency to find out what the heck was going on. Bottom line: they are sending out yet another aid tomorrow! At that point, I was on the highest level of pisstivity...off the charts pissed actually. So I did something that I now regret...I ordered a pizza. That's right, a non-vegan, uber fattening pizza! I really should not have done that! Lucky for me a friend stopped by and I was able to unload half off it on him.
Tomorrow, as I always say is another day. If God says so, I'll have another chance to do better!
I hope your day went better than mine. Tell me about it. Good, bad or ugly, I'm all ears...well, eyes!
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Day 1 Of My Eating Clean Challenge
I couldn't think of a better way to kick off my Eating Clean Challenge than with a Green Smoothie. I made this one with spinach, bananas, strawberries and mangos.
I also took some of my favorite "clean" things with me to work. A medley of grapes with blueberries, marinated cucumbers and red onions, and string beans with potatoes.
I sipped on the smoothie for most of the morning. Around 10am I ate the cucumbers and by 10:30 I was freaking starving...or at least I thought I was. I couldn't decide if I was actually hungry or if my brain just WANTED something more substantial. Thankfully I was on a conference call until noon and couldn't surrender to my desire for more food. After I was finished with my call, I had my string beans for lunch. But then, things went a little left...
I received a call from my mother. Neither she nor the nurse that was filling in yesterday could get Travis out of his wheelchair *scratches head* . So I had to leave work to go see what was going wrong. The nurse that was filling in yesterday was completely worthless. I asked if she could get Travis in bed, she didn't think that she could. Travis had a b.m. and she didn't know how to clean him up. Then everytime I checked on them she had her back turned to him and was watching TV. Oh boy...
I ended up eating 3 pieces of Morningstar Farms buffalo wings and some left over string beans. It was definately a stress reaction to the "nurse"...and I use that term loosely...that was sent to care for Travis.
But I regrouped. Once I made sure Travis was OK, I went to the fountain at beautiful City Center and ran/walked 3 miles.
I grabbed a salad from Salad Creations on the way home. Man, how I love their Spicy Veggie salad!
I came home, saw that the nurse was still glued to the TV screen, and asked her to leave. I was mentally and physically drained and wasn't going to deal with her NOT taking care of Travis any longer.
By 7:30 pm, Travis and I were both bathed, fed, and in bed. I took the medicine my doctor gave me for insomnia and was out like a light by 8 o'clock. I really needed a good sleep and I got one. If I took my medicine more often, I wouldn't be up at night snacking because it really knocks me out.
All in all, my first day of eating clean went pretty well. One day down...four more to go!
Thanks for reading and member, your health is a great blessing from God. May you have abundant energy, vitality and well-being all the days of your life!
I also took some of my favorite "clean" things with me to work. A medley of grapes with blueberries, marinated cucumbers and red onions, and string beans with potatoes.
I sipped on the smoothie for most of the morning. Around 10am I ate the cucumbers and by 10:30 I was freaking starving...or at least I thought I was. I couldn't decide if I was actually hungry or if my brain just WANTED something more substantial. Thankfully I was on a conference call until noon and couldn't surrender to my desire for more food. After I was finished with my call, I had my string beans for lunch. But then, things went a little left...
I received a call from my mother. Neither she nor the nurse that was filling in yesterday could get Travis out of his wheelchair *scratches head* . So I had to leave work to go see what was going wrong. The nurse that was filling in yesterday was completely worthless. I asked if she could get Travis in bed, she didn't think that she could. Travis had a b.m. and she didn't know how to clean him up. Then everytime I checked on them she had her back turned to him and was watching TV. Oh boy...
I ended up eating 3 pieces of Morningstar Farms buffalo wings and some left over string beans. It was definately a stress reaction to the "nurse"...and I use that term loosely...that was sent to care for Travis.
But I regrouped. Once I made sure Travis was OK, I went to the fountain at beautiful City Center and ran/walked 3 miles.
I grabbed a salad from Salad Creations on the way home. Man, how I love their Spicy Veggie salad!
I came home, saw that the nurse was still glued to the TV screen, and asked her to leave. I was mentally and physically drained and wasn't going to deal with her NOT taking care of Travis any longer.
By 7:30 pm, Travis and I were both bathed, fed, and in bed. I took the medicine my doctor gave me for insomnia and was out like a light by 8 o'clock. I really needed a good sleep and I got one. If I took my medicine more often, I wouldn't be up at night snacking because it really knocks me out.
All in all, my first day of eating clean went pretty well. One day down...four more to go!
Thanks for reading and member, your health is a great blessing from God. May you have abundant energy, vitality and well-being all the days of your life!
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
5 Day Eating Clean/No Processed Food Challenge
So I tried this earlier in the month but it was during a very inopportune time. I'm going to challenge myself again to eat clean for the next 5 days.
"Eat clean"...what exactly does that mean? In a nutshell it means that you eat only whole foods...Foods that are as close to their natural state as you can get them. If something didn't grow that way, it's probably not a whole food. For me this means that I can enjoy fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains but nothing pre-packaged...
Although I think that I eat pretty healthy most of the time, my weight loss has stalled so it's time for me to kick it up a notch. Most of the processed food that I eat is consumed out of convenience. I don't THINK that what I eat is extremely unhealthy. But I'm not a Nutritionist so what do I know?
If you've been reading, I haven't been posting my food as religiously as I did a few weeks ago. So I am going to start tracking my meals again, take more photos and share my clean eating intake. What I'm not going to do is count calories. I'm going to trust that if I eat clean and get my compulsive grazing under control, the weight will start to come off again. It's only 5 days, so it shouldn't be too painful? Right? We'll see.
Yesterday was a Manic Monday in every way. I didn't have time to take walks on my 15 minute breaks nor did I have time to do anything on my lunch break. It was one "urgent" email after the next. By the end of the day I was so ready to change into my workout clothes and get the heck out of the office!
If you've been reading, I haven't been posting my food as religiously as I did a few weeks ago. So I am going to start tracking my meals again, take more photos and share my clean eating intake. What I'm not going to do is count calories. I'm going to trust that if I eat clean and get my compulsive grazing under control, the weight will start to come off again. It's only 5 days, so it shouldn't be too painful? Right? We'll see.
Yesterday was a Manic Monday in every way. I didn't have time to take walks on my 15 minute breaks nor did I have time to do anything on my lunch break. It was one "urgent" email after the next. By the end of the day I was so ready to change into my workout clothes and get the heck out of the office!
Being out in the fresh air and getting a run in is one of the best ways to relieve stress...at least for me. Not only did it center me, but it gave me time to be alone with my thoughts and reflect. Everything about yesterday’s run felt different. There was a chill in the air that I normally don't like because it symbolizes the change in season. I didn’t mind it so much yesterday, however. I just took everything in and really appreciated the blueness of the sky and how green the trees were...everything looked more beautiful. I started thinking about the possibility of being diagnosed with an illness that I’ll have to fight and I realized that one day, I may not be able to run. That motivated me to push myself and keep going even after I got tired. I didn’t even use my C25K app, I just ran and left everything I had on the trail. I’m no Lo Lo Jones, but I can’t remember the last time I jogged 2 ½ miles without stopping.
I’ve been thinking a lot about life and death and my own mortality
lately. It’s not just about going for a run and appreciating the beauty that God made. I’ve also been very
present with my family. I’ve been making a conscious effort not to argue with my
mother. I’ve been enjoying every single second that I have with Travis…even
when he woke up in the middle of my night time work out. I just turned off the
DVD and stayed with him even after he fell asleep. As I sat there
with him, I realized that I AM dying. We all are. From the moment we are born
we are all waiting for God to call us back home. My grandmother lived until she
was in her 80’s. My first born son only lived an hour after his birth. Both of their lives had meaning.
We are all put here for a purpose. And regardless of whether we are given a diagnosis
that comes with an expiration date or we are just going about our lives and something
tragic happens, it will eventually be our time to leave what we think of as our home. It is my hope however, that we all try to live in the moment and appreciate everything
that this temporary yet wonderful world has to offer. We should use tragedies to help us
appreciate miracles. We should embrace the cold and darkness of the winter because with it
is the promise of the warmth and newness of springtime. I sat up for hours last night wondering…what
if I returned to the doctor in December and found out that I am the picture of
health? What if this scare was God’s way of getting my attention and drawing me
closer to Him?
My prayer for everyone who may be reading this is that you live
in the moment. Appreciate every aspect of your life, the good and the bad. Take
time today to go outside, breath in fresh air, and marvel at the beauty that your Higher Power has created.
Make today your best day ever! And do at least one today thing that will improve your health.
Thanks for reading and may God bless you and keep you!
Monday, September 23, 2013
Weight Loss Inspiration: Nina Davuluri, Miss America 2014
Just two years ago, Nina Davuluri, Miss America 2014, had just finished school and found that she
packed on 50 pounds after four years of study.
She was ready to make a change. Davuluri says that she was “ashamed of myself for allowing myself to get so out of shape. I realized that I needed to make some serious changes if I wanted to get healthy and feel confident about myself.”
Davuluri made changes in the foods she was eating and started taking group fitness classes at her local gym. Before she knew it, she had shed 15 pounds and had planned to stay at that size. But when she made the decision to make a foray back into pageant life (Miss Greater Rochester), she decided to work even harder to shed more pounds to possibly be Miss America. She got on a strict food plan, started working with a trainer named Tia Falcone, and went from 150 to 117 when she was weighed this past June, losing more than 30 pounds in three months.
She was ready to make a change. Davuluri says that she was “ashamed of myself for allowing myself to get so out of shape. I realized that I needed to make some serious changes if I wanted to get healthy and feel confident about myself.”
Davuluri made changes in the foods she was eating and started taking group fitness classes at her local gym. Before she knew it, she had shed 15 pounds and had planned to stay at that size. But when she made the decision to make a foray back into pageant life (Miss Greater Rochester), she decided to work even harder to shed more pounds to possibly be Miss America. She got on a strict food plan, started working with a trainer named Tia Falcone, and went from 150 to 117 when she was weighed this past June, losing more than 30 pounds in three months.
Get Back in the Game
Get Back in the Game
"Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you." - Isaiah 60:1 NIV
"Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you." - Isaiah 60:1 NIV
Are you going through a tough time
today? Are you sitting on the sidelines of life? God is saying, “Arise and get
back in the game.” If a friend betrayed you, don’t go through life lonely. Go
out and find some new friends. The right people are in your future. If you lost
your job, don’t sit around complaining. Go out and find another job. When one
door closes, God will always open another door. If you’re facing a health
issue, fighting that sickness, don’t give up on life and start planning your
funeral. Arise from that discouragement!
The above is from an email I received this morning. Sometimes, we are given just the right word at just the right time!
I spent the entire weekend worrying about an illness I don’t
even know if I have and trying to cope with feelings of frustration due to my weight loss slowing down, that I didn’t even realize that I’ve mentally checked out. I am not fighting nearly as hard as I should be fighting. It's time for me to arise from my self-inflicted discouragement and get back into the game!
Living in the moment is hard sometimes. It’s much easier to
be past obsessed or to fixate on what the future may hold. But I
need to focus on the here and now. We all do. The truth is, I have come a long way. I should
be ecstatic about the weight that I have lost thus far. I've gone from 240 pounds to somewhere around 143...and for that I am proud! As far as my future...I know that God's got me. Anything that may or may not happen is a part of His plan. All I can do is trust Him!
As I mentioned in a previous blog post, my focus now is on my health; physical, mental and spiritual. Everything else, I will allow to take care of itself.
The only exercising I did yesterday was a walk with Travis. It took me over 40 minutes to walk 2 miles, but that little boy and his wheelchair are soooo heavy! I literally felt like I was flipping tires in a Strongman Competition or something. But we made it. The weather was perfect for a nice stroll with my favorite guy so I wasn't in a rush anyway!
I've decided that I am going to take a break from Ripped In 30. In no way am I giving up on it, though. I am just holding off for a while because I don't feel as though I'm getting the full benefits of Week 3. The reality is, I can't do the moves just yet. So for the next few weeks I am going to do The 500 Calorie Workout by The Firm.
I've done this workout a few times before. It is also very challenging, but the moves aren't nearly as difficult. I promised myself that I was going to complete Ripped In 30, and I plan on keeping that promise. I just have to get to a place where I can give 100% to all the moves. I can't expect to get "ripped" if my form is off and I'm only completing half of the repititions. In life, sometimes we have to adjust...
So while doing The 500 Calorie Workout, I will do a weigh-in each Sunday to see how I am progressing. Again, health is my main focus, but I would still like to reach my goal of 135 pounds...but no pressure!
Wish me luck!
God bless,
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Elevated B12
As if I didn't have enough to worry about...I received a call from my doctor's office regarding some lab work I recently had done. I was told that my B12 levels are high...very high. This is odd to me because I was taking B12 supplements, but like everything else in my life, I wasn't consistent. I did a Google search on elevated B12 levels and I really wish I hadn't. This could be a sign of a number of very serious medical conditions. Or maybe it's nothing, I don't know. In any event, I have to get my blood work re-checked but not until December. Three months is a long time to wait, but what are my options?
I have to believe that regardless of the outcome, there is a purpose for all of this. Right now, I am going to focus more on eating healthy and clean rather than whatever number happens to be on the scale on any given day. At this moment my weight is the least of my worries. Being as healthy as I can be is paramount right now.
For lunch I made a very quick and healthy vegetable stir-fry with steamed rice. It was delicious.
I bought the vegetables pre-packaged from Trader Joe's. I sautéed them in a little olive oil, light soy sauce, salt, pepper and Smart Balance. Simple and tasty...just the way I like my food!
The rest of the day I tried to keep myself busy. Housework, housework, housework and lots of snuggling with my favorite guy.
I plan on doing a lot of this during these next three months. I'm convinced that my son's cuddles have medicinal powers. He makes everything better!
After I put Travis to bed, I reluctantly did Week 3 Day 2 of Ripped In 30. I was distracted and really didn't want to work out. Besides, this level is super hard and I just don't think I'm in good enough shape to give it 100%. I know that sounds rather defeatist, but rest assured I have no intentions of giving up. I just wish I could do the moves better and keep up with the number of repetitions. I really feel my age while doing Week 3. And the last thing I need right now is to be reminded of my age.
Where did all the years go?
Anyway, thanks for reading and allowing me to purge. Promise me that you will do at least one thing after reading this that will improve your health. It's all important!
Grace and peace,
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Finally, Week 3 of Ripped In 30
After a few days off from working out, I finally completed Week 3 Day 1 of Ripped In 30...oh the horror!
I have to admit, I really struggled with Level 3. I lost a lot of momentum after not working out in several days. Travis' nurse had personal issues this week and my workout routine was completely thrown off. I honestly felt as though I was back at Week 1 Day 1.
The first circuit was Quad Hell. Bear crawls, duck walks, and squats...oh my! My legs and abs are sore and I know I didn't even do most of the moves properly. Level 3 is definitely a challenge. But like the other two levels, it will get better...I hope! I didn't even do the cool down. By the end of the circuit 3 I was laying in the middle of the floor sweating profusely and bargaining with Jesus...Lord, if you just help me to get in shape, I'll never abuse food or my body again!
Somehow, I doubt He bought it!
Despite the fact that I didn't do the cool down, I still added a dollar to my workout jar. I completed the hard parts. That counts, right?
As worn out and sore as I am, I'm happy to be back on track and excited to continue with Week 3. I can't wait to see the results at the end of this difficult level.
Wish me luck, I'll need it.
I have to admit, I really struggled with Level 3. I lost a lot of momentum after not working out in several days. Travis' nurse had personal issues this week and my workout routine was completely thrown off. I honestly felt as though I was back at Week 1 Day 1.
The first circuit was Quad Hell. Bear crawls, duck walks, and squats...oh my! My legs and abs are sore and I know I didn't even do most of the moves properly. Level 3 is definitely a challenge. But like the other two levels, it will get better...I hope! I didn't even do the cool down. By the end of the circuit 3 I was laying in the middle of the floor sweating profusely and bargaining with Jesus...Lord, if you just help me to get in shape, I'll never abuse food or my body again!
Somehow, I doubt He bought it!
Despite the fact that I didn't do the cool down, I still added a dollar to my workout jar. I completed the hard parts. That counts, right?
As worn out and sore as I am, I'm happy to be back on track and excited to continue with Week 3. I can't wait to see the results at the end of this difficult level.
Wish me luck, I'll need it.
Friday, September 20, 2013
Being A Vegan
11 years ago, I became a vegetarian for a very specific reason: I
did not want to be a part of the inhumane treatment of animals.
I didn’t do it for my health. I wasn’t trying to lose weight. I
just couldn’t with a clear conscious eat meat or seafood after learning and becoming aware of how animals are treated
and killed for human consumption.
My rationalization for continuing to eat dairy and other animal
bi-products was that an animal didn’t have to be killed for their milk. But still,
over the years taking that step from vegetarian to vegan was always something I
wanted to do for many reasons. Besides, dairy products, I FEEL, is just not good for the human body.
But more than that, it's an issue of compassion. Here are a few facts about animal welfare:
~ Over 200 million male chick offspring are killed annually shortly after birth, because they can't lay eggs and are not considered the right genetic breeding for consumption. They are usually ground up alive or suffocated in plastic bags or foam.
~ Dairy cows are forcibly impregnated to produce milk non-stop for about 5 years. Then they're slaughtered. Their offspring are taken away from them usually within 48 hours. The males are used for veal and the females become dairy cows.
~ Free-range" means absolutely nothing. Birds and their eggs are considered free-range, if they have U.S. Department of Agriculture certified access to the outdoors. This certification doesn’t include size of or ability to access the outdoor area, amount of space allotted per animal, quality of life, or the number of birds living in a single shed.
realize that many people have conditioned themselves into believing that this
is just the natural order of things and that killing animals is a necessary
evil. I don’t think it has to be that way, but then again, I’ve always had a
heart that felt too big for me sometimes.
about 2 weeks in to being a strict or strict-as-I-can-be Vegan.
questions I get asked most involve protein and the difficulty of this type of
past two weeks have not been difficult for me at all. I eat the foods that I
enjoy and a lot of them just happen to contain protein. The average woman only needs
about 46 grams of protein a day. I often drink protein shakes made with soy
milk, but an awful lot of the food I eat contain protein as well such as beans,
tofu, veggie burgers, broccoli almonds, almond butter, black-eyed peas,
spinach, whole what breads, etc.
a vegan is not about deprivation. It’s about making conscious choices and
eating what you love versus forcing yourself to eat what you hate.
example, I tried quinoa for the first this week because it’s packed with
protein. However, I hated it. It was grainy and reminded me of oatmeal…and I
HATE oatmeal. So I’ll never eat quinoa again.
breakfast yesterday I had all of my
favorite things: A whole wheat English muffin, 2 slices of veggie bacon, 1/4 cup of potatoes, and some fruit. Very filling!
I also made a citrus smoothie to take to work. It's called a Fat Burner & Cellulite Buster...and man oh man does my cellulite needs busting! It's made with grapefruits, lemons, oranges, and 1 tbsp of turmeric. It was delicious and had the consistency of apple sauce. Outside of the peeling, it was super easy and it gave me a great morning boost!
For lunch I had a salad from Subway, jam packed with foods that I love. Lettuce, tomatoes, spinach, green peppers, olives, banana peppers, red onions...yum!
As you can see, I'm not starving and I'm getting my protein requirements. I will admit, that this lifestyle is not for everyone. But the more fresh fruits and vegetables a person can get into their diet, the better.
Thanks for reading!
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Letting Go
There is a phrase
that goes: "Quod me nutrit me destruit."
Translation: "What nourishes me destroys me."
Meaning, that which motivates or drives
a person can consume him or her from within.
This is an absolute truth when dealing with food addiction, but it’s
also an important life lesson. Sometimes, the hardest thing to do in life is to
let go of something that makes us feel
good in the short term. We get so consumed by instant gratification that we
lose sight of the bigger picture. Holding on to something we think we need or
want or love is easy. Being an adult and letting go for our own good and for
the good of others…that takes courage and maturity.
If there is something that is consuming your time or energy or
compromising your peace of mind…LET IT GO!
Life is short and precious. None of us are promised a next breath.
We shouldn’t allow anything…food,
addiction, a person, a relationship that’s run its course, etc to destroy us from
within. Don’t let what nourishes you, destroy you. Allow those things that truly nourish you, to exalt you. To strengthen you. To free you!
Thanks for reading today!
p.s. My workout jar is still empty. More on that later!
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Seasonal Blues
I feel you slipping away from me. Please don’t go! When I was younger, my family tried to keep us apart. But now, I embrace you. You’re so hot and I love the way you make me feel. Thanks for the awesome tan you gave me this summer, Mr. Sun. Let’s do it again next year, OK? Hurry back!
Fall is definitely in the air. The weather is getting cooler and with that comes the promise of greyer days.

As an adult, I love live for sunshine. I can't get enough of it. When I'm walking or jogging I enjoy taking in the scenery and marveling at the beauty that God made.
But as the winter months get closer my mood begins to worsen. Last winter I hibernated and gained almost 30 pounds. Not this year! I won't allow it.
Although it was a little chilly yesterday, I willed myself into jogging/walking 5 miles and it actually felt great! When I went through Boot Camp it was during the coldest months of the year: January and February. Cold weather certainly wasn't an excuse to stop training back then. So this winter I am going to TRY and stay active outdoors even in the colder climate (as long as it's not brutally so).
I've been having problems getting started with Level 3 of Ripped In 30. I've lost my motivation and I've been so focused on my runs that I haven't really been pushing myself with my night time workouts. Plus, these workout are getting tougher and in classic Yolanda Harris form, when things get tougher I bail!
This must stop!
I saw an idea on the internet that I thought I would try out on myself. Every time I complete a DVD at night, whether it's Ripped In 30 or some other workout DVD, I will put one dollar in my workout jar. Some people stop at $100, but that would require me to go into the jar and count to see how much money is in it. I don't want to be tempted to "borrow" from what's supposed to motivation. So on December 18th, I will see how much is in the jar and treat myself to something nice!
Tell me, what do you do to stay motivated? I'd love to know.
Take care and thanks for reading!
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